

  • Gender
  • Ladies
  • Material
  • Ecological, Synthetic, Textile
  • Occasion
  • Athletic, Casual, Comfort, Professional, Social
  • Price range (FOB)
  • USD 0.00 to USD 0.00, USD 0.00 to USD 0.00,
  • Private Label
  • Yes
  • Product category
  • Boot, Flat, Moccasin, Others, Sandal, Scarpin, Sneakers
  • Sustainable Origin Certification
  • Certified Company Level: Diamond
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Summer Winter
About the brand

We are with you, wherever you want to be. Freedom is everything. Bebecê does not want to set rules. We would rather be with you on your new journeys, exchange ideas and experiences, or just smile when finding out about the new evolution of your identity. This is our way of connecting with you and getting to know you more and more. What for? To amaze you. Your world requires innovation, transformation, and action! We follow up with all of that, with shoes inspired on the Brazilian woman. Affordable fashion, without giving up comfort.

Winter 23 is a season unlike any other. Restless and unique, it promises to surprise. As the vibrant color palette appears to show its power, shades like hyper pink, chili pepper, pumpkin, and cobalt show how to color the grayish sky. With geometric and asymmetrical lines, modern and bold heels are full of personality and style. Models with sophisticated, elegant, and casual looks show the diversity of styles and influences in the Winter 23 collection.
