Jorge Bischoff

Jorge Bischoff

  • Gender
  • Ladies, Men
  • Material
  • Leather, Synthetic, Textile
  • Occasion
  • Casual, Comfort, Social
  • Price range (FOB)
  • USD 0.00 to USD 0.00,
  • Private Label
  • Yes
  • Product category
  • Boot, Flat, Moccasin, Sandal, Scarpin, Slipper/Flip Flop, Sneakers
About the brand

JORGE BISCHOFF is a brand of well-targeted strategies, applied on all business platforms. The flagship is the women’s collection. In its portfolio, shoes, bags and accessories aimed at an audience that values elegance, comfort and differentiated design standards. The exuberance of the Brazilian woman inspires the creations, guided by the macrotrends of international fashion. The original DNA of the brand is shown in the colors, prints and the use of exclusive metals and ornaments.
