

  • Gender
  • Ladies
  • Material
  • Leather, Textile
  • Occasion
  • Casual, Comfort, Professional
  • Price range (FOB)
  • USD 0.00 to USD 0.00, USD 0.00 to USD 0.00,
  • Product category
  • Boot, Flat, Moccasin, Others, Sandal, Scarpin, Slipper/Flip Flop, Sneakers
  • Sustainable Origin Certification
  • Certified Company Level: Diamond
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About the brand

Founded in 1998, Usaflex is the pioneer and national leader in manufacturing comfort and fashion footwear for women of all ages. Usaflex is concerned with sustainability, which is why we seek suppliers aligned with the main certifications in the segment such as LWG (Leather Working Group) and CSCB (Brazilian Leather Sustainability Certification), these certifications aim reduce the impact on the environment.

Free, Light & Comfortable.
