

  • Gender
  • Kids, Ladies, Men
  • Material
  • Others, Plastic/Rubber, Synthetic, Textile
  • Occasion
  • Athletic, Casual, Comfort, Others, Social
  • Price range (FOB)
  • USD 0.00 to USD 0.00,
  • Private Label
  • Yes
  • Product category
  • Others, Sneakers
About the brand

Since 1986 working in the children's footwear business, @pecompeoficial has gained recognition and success in the market. Now, the time has come for the brand to reach new audiences and Vitz is born as a specialist in youth and adult tennis to tell a new story. Caption: A brand that represents energy, movement and attitude through the modernity of streetwear style, with the quality you already know #VitzShoes

Autumn winter collection

Vitz aims to bring tennis to our young people, we are a brand of the Pé com Pé group. Our shoes are manufactured with the greatest care and affection to always be together with our young people.
