

  • Gender
  • Kids
  • Material
  • Leather, Synthetic, Textile
  • Occasion
  • Athletic, Casual, Comfort, Social
  • Price range (FOB)
  • USD 0.00 to USD 0.00,
  • Private Label
  • Yes
  • Product category
  • Boot, Flat, Moccasin, Sandal, Slipper/Flip Flop, Sneakers
About the brand

Ortopé is a brand that for almost 60 years has valued for the well-being and quality of life of children. With anatomical products, it expresses all the care for children's feet, combining the main fashion trends and comfort technologies, to provide the feeling of greater HAPPINESS. Despite its age, Ortopé has been constantly evolving and since its founding in 1963, it has enchanted generations throughout Brazil.
