2025-03-24 | By Brazilian Footwear
Brazilian footwear reaches every continent in volumes greater than one might expect. This is because the expertise and tradition of “made in Brazil” are also found in products from international companies through the private label business model. In this format, footwear is manufactured for third-party brands, and many Brazilian factories operate precisely this way. Watch the video below for the second episode of the BF Talks series, which explores the private label concept through three case studies of Brazilian companies.
The episode features Bene Arantes, director at Andacco, Marcos Huff, managing partner at Killana, and export specialist Rodrigo Nunes. According to them, competence, creativity, and distinctive production are some of the attributes that make the Brazilian footwear industry the ideal partner for private label projects. “You need to be creative, adapt to what the client wants, innovate, propose new ideas, and think outside the box to present something the client didn’t even expect—but will love. Plus, conducting your own market research is essential,” says Arantes.
Huff points out that the private label business model requires dedicated oversight. “You need to deliver a top-tier service because private label also involves everything from adapting packaging and labeling to defining how the product will be packed and even how the model itself will be developed.”
Additionally, Brazilian footwear embodies the country’s vibrant colors and lively spirit. “Brazil excels in creativity and craftsmanship. Clients often come looking for something ready-made, but they are always surprised by our boldness. We challenge expectations and break the notion that everything must follow the same mold, the same style, and the same colors,” concludes Nunes
BF Talks
Featuring leaders from the footwear industry, international buyers, and key opinion makers, BF Talks is a series that explores six key themes and defining characteristics of the biggest footwear industry in the West. Each videocast brings in different guests who share insights on topics such as proprietary brands, private label, design, sustainability and ESG, social impact, and opportunities in Latin America—the latter featuring only international guests.
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